Between 2008 and 2016, due to new urban developments, several archaeological operations took place on about 1 ha at the western limit of Vermand, along Rue Charles-de-Gaulle Street. The excavation data shows that from the end of the first century of the Common Era, the area took the form of mixed suburburban housing and various industrial/craft activities which were situated on both sides of the former road. It reached its maximum development at the beginning of the third century, then was abandoned between 270 and 280 CE. The study of certain artefacts (ceramics and instrumentum) demonstrates the residential character of the occupation, while others indicate its industrial focus on ceramic production, the extraction of animal by-products and metallurgy. The road under the current Rue Charles-de-Gaulle, with its lateral ditch, corresponds with the road that linked the two main cities of Amiens (Samarobriva) and Saint-Quentin (Augusta Viromanduorum). Its creation is dated from the Augustan era. The uncovered structures are confined to the edge of the ancient road on a wide strip of about twenty meters, and are associated with a stratification of about one meter in depth. These were pits, ditches and buildings with post-holes or chalk flashings, reflecting several phases of development between the end of the 1st century BCE and the end of the 3rd century CE. The densest period of occupation was from the second century, with many pits and constructions, sometimes with cellars or storerooms, built between the chalk road and the lateral ditch. The three or even four cellars uncovered were not built of masonry. They were dug directly into the subsoil with posts holding the wooden walls in place. In one of the cellars, five manual grinding wheels were used to support poles. A last cellar located in the corner of a building was built of chalk and sandstone and clay, it was backfilled in the years 270-300. More generally, the development of this sector illustrates that of the ancient agglomeration of Vermand lost its political and administrative powers at the beginning of the first century AD, but then went through a period of strong demographic and economic development. Before the end of the third century, it recovered its position but at the same time entrenched itself in its fortified citadel, which was even strengthened. The discoveries of 2008-2016 bring new evidence regarding the respective roles of Vermand and Saint-Quentin during the first three centuries of our era. Traduction : John Lynch.