Michel Fleury, who reopened in 1957 Edouard Salin’s excavations underneath the basilica of Saint-Denis, in 1959 came upon a sarcophagus (N° 49) containing a remarkable burial, both by the exceptional quality of the feminine grave-goods it contained, and by the conservation of organic materials deriving from her costume. Thanks to a gold ring bearing the name ARNEGVNDIS and a central monogram deciphered as reading REGINE, the woman was identified as Queen Aregonde, mentioned by Gregory of Tours as one of the wives of Clotaire I (511-561), and the mother of Chilperic. Considering that the latter had been born in 539 (the true date is now believed to have been 534) and arguing from an anthropological estimate that the lady died at about the age of 45, the burial was dated to the years 565/570. Since this date did not fit with the chronology of the funerary ensemble, which appeared rather later, some scholars expressed doubts that the woman buried there was the queen mentioned by Gregory. The recent re-discovery of the skeletal remains of sarcophagus N° 49, along with the vegetal and animal vestiges in the grave (their location was lost for thirty years) has allowed us to re-open these questions. It now appears that the subject was around 61 (plus or minus three years) when she died about the year 580, a date that fits better with the artefacts and thus strengthens the case for identifying her with the historical queen. A re-examination of the organic remains, however, challenges the reconstruction of her costume advanced by Michel Fleury and Albert France-Lanord. Finally, metallurgical analyses of the gold and silver artefacts in this grave by the Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France, and also of the garnets thought to belong to their decoration, have considerably modified earlier conclusions, regarding both the alloys used and the origin of the garnets.