Since 2008, Inrap has been conducting the largest archaeological project currently undertaken in Europe for the Seine-Nord Europe canal. Between June 2011 and June 2012, the Roman villa of "La Mare aux Canards" was excavated on the site of a future canal lock in Noyon. This is one of the most remarkable sites discovered on the canal route : its estimated area of 12 ha is at least among the largest known villae in the territory of the Gauls. Some of its characteristics resemble urban or peri-urban settlements more than agro-pastoral farms. The excavation concerned 6 ha of the pars rustica, probably corresponding to the center of the site. Located to the west, outside the scope of the works, the pars urbana with an area of 2 ha is known by very clear aerial photographs, satellite images and geophysical prospections as well as by a partial archaeological assesment made in 2015. Located probably in the territory Viromanduens, the villa of "La Mare aux Canards" is located less than a kilometre southwest of an important Roman road and the secondary agglomeration of Noyon-Noviomagus. It is probably an ex nihilo creation, dating from the last two decades BCE. In its first phase, between c.20/10 av. J.-C. and 60/70 ap. J.-C., the plan of the pars rustica is characterized by two alignments of buildings on similar posts established behind two galleries bordering to the north and south a large central courtyard. These buildings are distributed at regular intervals relative to each other on both sides of the courtyard and each integrates a strip of land at the back. Other buildings, with more singular plans, are located in these plots. The complex is part of very large peripheral ditched enclosures 40 metres away from the lines of buildings. A significant phase of demolition preceded the reconstruction of the villa in the 70s. The remodelling, however, retains the original layout of the villa, with masonry buildings superimposed on the posts. The pars rustica is still structured around a large rectangular central courtyard, but now bordered by two lines of masonry buildings, separated from the courtyard by an enclosure wall. The boundaries of the complex, once marked by the now backfilled large outer enclosuresditches are unknown. Exceptionally, the pars rustica of the villa of Noyon contained at this period two religious buildings : one, located in the south-west, is associated with an enclosed space interpreted as garden or cult grove. The other is located on the centerline of the courtyard, facing the pars urbana. Most of the buildings and other structures of the pars rustica seem abandoned after the middle of the second until the fourth century. A discreet occupation is noticeable at this time before a systematic demolition confirmed by the presence of three burials. The absence of evidence of any agricultural activity in the part studied is one of the most remarkable features of the villa of "La Mare aux Canards". Taken together, the buildings identified seem to correspond to residential buildings rather than managerial buildings and are particularly distinguished during the second period of occupation by the quality of their architecture and equipment. The urban and even aristocratic character of the villa’s first occupation, illustrated by numerous imports of « prestige » products, is another remarkable point that can hardly be compared to rural settlements. Traduction : John Lynch.