For the past two decades, preventive archaeology provides datas on Quaternary formations prior to the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) in the Ile-de-France region. Whenever possible, these researchs are coupled with dating analysis. However, the observations are contrasted according to whether they concern eolian-colluvial or fluvial sedimentary formations. The new data collected on the Pleistocene fluvial terraces of the Seine basin are generally sparce. For example, the terrace system of the Seine valley is currently unknown despite the relevance of some observation points. Only the Seine-Yonne confluence provided relevant chronostratigraphic data regarding the six most recent terraces (MIS 12 to MIS 2 - Marine Isotopic Stage). Some of which have provided Paleolithic levels. In the Marne valley, the study of the terraces system started recently and allows to propose a first scheme for the three most recent terraces (MIS 7 to MIS 2); two of them have yielded Palaeolithic sites. In Ile-de-France, aeolian-colluvial deposits cover the plateaus and their slopes. With the exception of one sequence whose sedimentary budget extends over the last four glacial-interglacial cycles (MIS 10 to MIS 1), the others document mainly, but unequally, the last Weichselian stage and its climatic oscillations (MIS 5d to MIS 2). Numerous Paleolithic remains have been recognized in these last sedimentary formations.