The renewal of languedocian vineyard has induced much deep ploughing and intermediate cerealian cultures, over the last twenty years. The aerial supervision of these agricultural activities has led to the detection of many archaeological traces in the Aude valley among witch about fifteen are neolithic sites. Somes
of these settlements have been protected or searched. The searches have revealed ditched camps wich dated the middle Neolithic (Auriac, Les Plos, Cavanac, Poste-Vieille) ; some camps with multiple ditches are related to recent Neolithic. We know also some large circular enclosures with single ditches (La Serre, Roc-d'en-Gabit, Rivoire) or double (Carsac) ; two of which have delivered some elements of the final Neolithic of the Chalcolithic periods. In addition to these big structures we have found many little sites corresponding to pits or silos, sometimes grouped, and also a rectangular house still unclated.